
We created an additional trigger framework for you, so you can easy automate your customer flow.


Simply include the trigger script after the end of your body

<script src=""></script>

Please keep in mind, that you need an already setup gramchat for this trigger functions to work

MessageOnScrollPercent(percent, message)

Automatically open gramchat and prompt the user with a message if he/she scrolled down on your page for a certain percentage

MessageOnScrollPercent(80, "This message will pushed to gramchat 
if the user scrolled down 80% of the page");


Automatically open gramchat and prompt the user with a message the moment the mouse fades out of the window.

MessageOnMouseLeave("Thanks for visiting our page! Bye");

MessageOnHover(htmlID, message)

Automatically open gramchat and prompt the user with a message if he/she hovers over the given element

<div id="messageOnHoverDIV">Hover here</div>
MessageOnHover("messageOnHoverDIV", "You hovered over the div");

MessageOnClick(htmlID, message)

Automatically open gramchat and prompt the user with a message if he/she clicks the given element

<div id="messageOnClickDIV">Click here</div>
MessageOnClick("messageOnClickDIV", "You clicked on the div");

Last updated